Bread in the Kingdom of God

Bread in the Kingdom of God; ICCM; March 4, 2018; Pastor Rebecca Ellenson

(This sermon draws heavily on the book The Greatest Prayer by John Dominic Crossan)

 We pray to Our Father for daily bread in the Kingdom of God.  In the days of Jesus, Ceasar was the ruler of the empire and thought to be a God. Fathers were typically the heads of households, and as such, were responsible to provide for all in thier care.  The Householder had a good name, a reputation of honor, when all those within the household, the children, the servants, the animals were well cared for and justly treated.  Continue reading “Bread in the Kingdom of God”


Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow; Pastor Rebecca Ellenson; March 18, 2018; ICCM

Pastors get a fair amount of feedback about the choice of hymns for worship.  Not just here, in every congregation, everywhere!  How many praise songs, how many contemporary songs, how many traditional hymns, how many verses, how many new songs?

It reminds me of a story.  A visitor was attending a particular church for the first time.  Inspired by something in the sermon she raised her hands and exclaimed, “Praise the Lord!”  The regular attender seated next to her leaned over quietly and informed her, “We don’t ‘praise the lord’ here.”  Overhearing the comment another long-time participant seated in the row behind them corrected, “Oh, yes we do.  But we sing it in unison during after the offering—it’s called the Doxology.” Continue reading “Doxology”


March 11, 2018; Free; ICCM; Pastor Rebecca Ellenson

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.  We are given the keys to the kingdom, the power to bind and loose here on earth.  Our actions or inaction has indefinite consequences.  Psalm 38 says, My guilt has overwhelmed me, like a burden too heavy to bear.  Resentment, holding on to sin, or to injury and insult can be just as big a burden as guilt.  Forgiveness works on the forgiver and the forgiven.  Jesus once called Peter the Rock. And then he called him a stumbling block.  Continue reading “Free”

A Hymn of Hope for All Creation

A Hymn of Hope for all Creation *;  Pastor Rebecca Ellenson

Preached by Steve Cherne; Feb  25, 2018; ICCM

Tony Campolo, a well-known Baptist public speaker and author reflects on his own prayer life, saying that sometimes he feels like his prayer life resembles that a little child, always focusing on asking God for things.  He tells a story about when his son was 7 years old. The boy came to bed.  I’m going to be praying.  Anybody want something?” That’s just a bit off target isn’t it? Prayer is more than asking for things. Continue reading “A Hymn of Hope for All Creation”