
It is early morning in the North woods of Wisconsin. A light dusting of snow fell overnight, offering a little relief from the drab gray dullness of the late winter landscape. The geese have returned and circle overhead, honking their lonely calls. The pantry is stocked, the freezer is full, the woodshed is neatly stacked. We are waiting, safe at home.

I miss the congregation, now scattered–some still in Mazatlán, others in BC, or Alberta, Seattle, or California. . . We are connected now through prayer and facebook, whatsapp, email, and telephone.

This Sunday morning I want to share two links, one to music of a digitally connected group of musicians singing a song whose meaning rings true for me like never before. The second piece is an essay on this time of waiting from the Christian Century magazine.

Be well, my friends. God holds us in our separation and in our connection.